After looking at existing gig posters, I was particularly inspired by the Pulp one - just a simple figure with the basic information about the gig. I started playing around with Envy's pose and figure as well, doing a few studies based on Flashdance among other things. From these I pinned down a few ideas and played around with the colour and composition. I already knew I was going to do bright pink and turquoise as these are the colours of Ramona Flowers' bag - very iconic among SP fans.
This is probably my strongest idea compositionally - I like the viewpoint from above and the shadowleading your eye around the image. I'm still messing about with where the text would go in this one, but it's my favourite at the moment. Jamie also suggested having the shadow go off the page instead of trying to fit it all in the frame, which I'd not thought about but I think will work better!
This is another idea I really like but is a bit boring compositionally. There's also not a clear line of sight around the image, as James pointed out. I quite like the simplicity of it though, but could maybe make it more interesting and work better as illustration by changing the viewpoint to a lower angle so she looks more imposing, or move her to the left and have her arm lean behind her in the same direction as the text, like so:
Finally, my last main idea again used a dramatic low-angle viewpoint, to draw focus to Envy and put her in a position of power. However, as I'm trying to emulate a gig poster, I think this is maybe too narrative based for what I'm trying to convey, with Scott under her foot. I also haven't figured out the text on this one!
One more thing I thought about changing in the first idea was to include all the band members instead of just Envy Adams. This is some existing Scott Pilgrim fan art I found, of Scott's band Sex Bob-omb:
I like the composition of this image - the perspective from above (like in my idea) and the varying sizes and overlapping of the characters to create depth.
I played around with this idea but ultimately don't want to make to poster too complicated with too much going on, plus I think the simplicity and dram of just Envy and her huge shadow works well as a gig poster.