My initial ideas for this project were based on my feelings in that moment - I was actually quite tired and hungover. I am quite often tired as I have trouble going to bed at a suitable time and problems getting off to sleep. Since this is a regular occurrence, I thought it might be quite a good idea to create a mask representative of this part of my personality.
However, this seemed like a fairly weak idea, and was only a starting point, so then I thought about meeting loads of new people this week and how I presented myself to them, so I then asked some people around me what their first impressions of me were. A common response was 'shy', which I expected, but I got a few interesting ones! My favourites being 'top notch colour scheme' (due to my lilac hair) and that I look like a fox. The latter particularly intrigued me as I like foxes, I'm ginger naturally and they're a shy, nocturnal animal, and with my sleeping habits, I'm practically nocturnal too!
Anyway, I decided to start expanding on the fox idea, initially thinking ambitiously about creating a paper maché mask after Matt showed us an artist's (I can't remember the name) paper maché animal masks. However, Matt also had some leftover brown paper bags, which I thought also linked to the fox idea, as they do scavenge through bins and bags.
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