Monday, 24 October 2016

Study Task 3 - 3 illustrators that use print processes

Kristyna Baczynski

Baczynski makes a lot of comics and little zines, quite often using screen print or risograph print methods. She also works digitally but gives her work a screen printed aesthetic using overlaying techniques in photoshop. 

Her work is quite similar to mine in that I also like to make comics that focus on character and narrative. She makes quite a few that focus on image rather than relying on text, which is something I want to improve on. 

She sells her work at comic and illustration fairs, such as Thought Bubble! I can see my own practice developing similarly to hers (if I can motivate myself to make the products), but perhaps slightly different in that I aspire to write graphic novels and longer comic books, as well as zines and comic strips.

Luke Pearson

Luke Pearson is the writer and artist behind the highly-acclaimed ...

Similarly, Luke Pearson also focuses on narrative and character. He often illustrates for children (Hilda), and so his work features a lot of bright colours. I am drawn to bright and bold colours, as I like my own work to have a playful tone, even when dealing with more serious subject matter.

He is often published through Nobrow Press, which is again, not necessarily the route I want to take myself as an illustrator, but one which is similar to my aspirations. I think my work focuses more on the plot and narrative rather than imagemaking and illustration, as I feel Nobrow books do.

Natalya Balnova

Natalya BalnovaNatalya Balnova / Unfaithful Copies of Old Masters Part II

Balnova's work I admire because she screen-prints a lot, and regularly makes use of using two overlapping colours! She also makes quite funny little zines and books, again looking at character in her work.

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