Wednesday, 10 May 2017


End of Module Student Evaluation
BA (Hons) Illustration
Module Code: OUIL503 Responsive

Name: Molly Halson
Student ID: mh259901

Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note - This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.)

Learning Outcome
Evidenced where?
Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc.  (No more than 75 words)
Your grade
Using words:
> poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
5A4:  Make appropriate use of a range of research methods to investigate a topic and produce work relating to the critical, cultural or social context of art and design. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research and Critical Awareness)
Blog, boards

5B3: Generate ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions and/or arguments using the language,
materials, processes and techniques of a designated discipline. (Cognitive Skills - Problem
Analysis, Problem Solving)
Blog, boards
Very Good
5C3: Respond to set briefs or proposals in a professional context. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)
Blog, boards
5D3: Exercise self-management skills in managing their workloads and meeting deadlines/apply interpersonal and social skills to interact with others. (Key Transferable Skills, Organisation, Communication and Evaluation)

Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information)

I really struggled with a lot of this module. I definitely found it hard to make and keep my own deadlines and juggle this module along with all the others. I’ve always struggled with my time management and being thrown into a very self-directed module (and year) has been a huge challenge. I’ve also been struggling with depression over the last couple of years, and so that has been affecting my motivation throughout. I am trying to control this better though.

I really enjoyed SB2, as I loved my collaborative partners and we were able to solve problems and disputes maturely and diplomatically. I found that having two partners made me work harder and keep to deadlines better as I didn’t want to let them down.

I wanted to practice my digital skills more in this module. I thought I would do this by doing Illustration Friday every week, or maybe the film society too, but I put too much pressure on myself to make them perfect and ended up just doing what I know best – pen. I need to push myself more and step out of my comfort zone.

I regret not doing a more substantial brief, as I believe that I could have created something I was proud of, had I tried harder. However, I did experiment more with animation and digital in SB2, and although I’m definitely still learning, I’ve also learned some new skills! And hopefully I can take those on to future modules.

SB3 Project Report

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Final 6 Illustrations

The two I'm happiest with are 3 and 4. I really experimented with my digital skills with these two, and I think they look the most polished.

If I did this project again I'd allow myself more time and maybe choose different scenes - I wanted to do different scenes and work on my skills drawing landscapes, but I didn't have enough time and decided to make it easier for myself by cheating and using elements from the other images to create the other scenes.

I do think I achieved the narrative though! I think they work not only as a set of images, but have the potential to become an animated music video that suits the song I chose, which is what I intended.