Tuesday 12 April 2016

Tutorial feedback

When I came back from the holidays I had my tutorial with Jamie. Since I missed the first crit, no-one really knew what I was up to with this, so it was good to explain my ideas to someone and get a bit a feedback on what could be improved.

Jamie gave me the idea of having a comic strip across the stamps, like each stamp is a panel, which I liked.

I know I'm not as far along with the project as some people in terms of the quantity of work, but at this point I'm definitely focusing more on the ideas. I just need to start moving away from pencil roughs and on to inks!

I'm pretty sure that for these comic strips I want to kinda emulate the style of Kate Beaton, as in just using simple inks or watercolour, again so that the focus isn't pulled away from the humour and idea within the comic.

I'm gonna use an orangey brown palette because many of the pictures of Valentina that I looked at have her in her orange space suit or brown jacket. Also it's kinda similar to soviet propaganda.

Jamie also liked this sort of thing in my sketchbook, where I was experimenting with just trying to draw straight on to the paper with pen (still something I struggle with!). He liked the line quality and said there's humour in it - I'm achieving what I want to achieve! Wooo

Finally, Jamie gave me some artists to look at:

Dan Berry

I do like this, as he has the same kinda low fi comic style as Kate Beaton, although his work reminds me a little of Quentin Blake, and Kate's reminds me of Bryan Lee O'Malley with manga influenced eyes (big eyes).

Jon McNaught

I do like the colour palettes that McNaught uses, although his work is quite melancholy and scene-focused rather than humour and character based which is what I'm doing at the moment.

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