Wednesday 21 October 2015

Typology Brief Evaluation

My finished poster! I really enjoyed doing this project, although I found some things difficult.

I was happy with the humour I put into the ideas - it may not be everyone's cup of tea but I make myself laugh at least, and it shows some of my personality. I also think it was a good decision to include the typeface of each band's logo, although it added a bit of work. I think it conveys the variety of genres of bands that I listen too, as well as being more interesting to look at than just picking one font. Finally, I think some of the ideas are actually quite original in their approach, and even if someone else had done a similar poster, they wouldn't have come up with the ideas that I did for each band.

I struggled a little with ideas development in the early stages of the project - for some of the 10 themes I got a little bored once I actually started drawing the ideas and realised I couldn't come up with interesting concepts for each letter. I know I also should have focused more on quick drawings, rather than getting so caught up in drawing perfect drawings for the themes I found most interesting. Again, once I get an idea in my head, I want to get it down perfectly the first time, rather than spending more time drawing it out roughly multiple times first. I need to work on that, and I have actually found it useful to work things out more like that since coming to LCA.

There are a few things I would do differently if we were to start the brief again. Firstly, I would definitely develop some ideas further - some of them I feel were quite obvious and not as imaginative as they could have been, but I did feel a bit pressed for time. Which brings me on to another thing I would improve - time management! I need to get the balance of work, social life and sleep right. I would also try to gather more reference material or do some more observational drawing for things like poses and characters - I didn't think too much about the characters I presented in the final poster.

We also did a group crit, and most comments were positive. After I explained the ideas behind the layout and colour among other things, everyone in the group agreed that black and white (and grey) were probably the best colours to use for my particular theme, as all of the bands are different genres and perhaps different colours wouldn't have suited the drawings for all the bands. However, I could have experimented more with colour in my sketchbook to test this. Again, the composition is mostly clear, apart from a couple of instances where some band names seem to connect to other drawings - I think it's clear though from looking at the drawing and band name which ones pair off. One question the group asked me was did I consider other compositions? I did originally do a plan in my sketchbook based on phone keys - i.e. 8 rows of drawings similar to a phone keypad layout, ABC on row 1, DEF on row 2 etc. However, doing this in my sketchbook obviously didn't translate well to A2! So I started trying to figure out where each drawing would fit on the page on a test A2 sheet, and then used another sheet of A2 to move things around a bit and confirm where each drawing would fit.

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