Monday 26 October 2015

Visual Skills Brief 2 crit

Today we had a crit of the 9 roughs (3 for each dimension) we produced for this brief. These are the 9 I presented: 

After answering some personal evaluative questions about our own pieces, we got into pairs with someone who didn't know our article to see if they could clearly see what was going on in each piece. This was a helpful exercise as it made me realise that I might actually need to communicate some ideas more clearly. However, the 3 ideas I had in my mind that I wanted to do, Louis could tell what they were communicating.

After this, we grouped back up with people who did have the same article to give more helpful feedback on what could be done to improve our ideas. However, my favourite idea, the lone ranger one, both girls in the group agreed it was too complicated and distnat from my other ideas, which I had to agree with. So I'm still going to pick that one but simplify it and try to connect it to the others more, maybe with the same characters in all 3 illustrations.

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