Tuesday 9 February 2016

Frame and arrangement

My initial ideas for this task were fairly obvious ones, which I wasn't happy with. I slowly developed them by thinking about the viewpoint - where is the perspective? 

I thought the two most interesting ideas I had were the high angle perspective of the butterfly very high up in the sky, and the elephant and figures very tiny in the distance. This gave the image a sense of depth and created focal points and lines of sight around the image. I played around with roughing this one a bit more, to tidy it up a bit, and look at what changing the size of the elements did.

However, ultimately I chose this idea to create my final image. Again, I like the perspective and sense of depth created from this idea. The elephant's trunk reaching out and appearing larger, and then a smaller human figure atop the elephant, with the butterfly dominating the bottom half of the image.

The final image

What went well:

I tried to play around with different line quality, tone and texture of washes to create depth and a more visually interesting image. I used the frame to crop the leaves, and changed the sizes of some leaves, to create the sense that the viewer is also peering through the trees, like the elephant.

What I could have done differently:

However, I didn't pay as much attention to the human figure - I don't think it stands out enough, or is anatomically correct. I could have made the elephants trunk larger to create the illusion that it was closer to the butterfly, as obviously the butterfly is not bigger than the end of an elephant's trunk.

I could have done more roughs to prevent these issues - I rushed this task too much and should have spent more time on it to get a better outcome and a better composition.

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